Saxena White is committed to helping institutional investors fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities. Studies have shown that strong enforcement of securities fraud laws lead to market integrity and investor confidence. Institutional investors, who comprise the largest participants in the stock market, play a major role in reinforcing market integrity. Today, institutional investors recognize the need to be proactive to address corporate wrongdoing when it affects their portfolios. Year after year, securities fraud class actions with institutional investors as lead or representative plaintiffs fare far better than cases led by individual investors.
Our experience working with institutional investors is unmatched. To us, our clients are more than just a number. We understand their goals and pride ourselves on tailoring a personalized portfolio monitoring program that best suits their needs, not ours. For example, many of our clients choose their investments based on ESG related concerns. Among many other things, our monitoring service includes being on the lookout for situations where active involvement through litigation can enhance corporate governance or redress violations of ESG principles.
Our commitment to our clients does not stop in the board room. We are active in their local communities and get involved in charities and organizations that are meaningful to them. We regularly speak at and attend educational conferences to ensure we are on top of pension fund issues, both at the state and national level. We invite you to contact us to learn more.